Sunday, October 5, 2014

Follow the Campaign 2: Meet the PCs

There are 5 players in my gaming group. All 5 are friends or relatives of mine. All of my players are there to have a good time, and we mix a fair amount of in game banter with out of game banter over the course of play.

A/Mia'thos: A has been playing since high school but is in the bottom half of the group in terms of raw hours played. While he did spend some time in college playing, it did not last for very long. A tends to play characters with big personalities and does an excellent job of describing how his characters cast their spells or swing their swords.

Mia'thos is a tiefling warlock. Mia'thos was raised in a life of slavery in The Fingers. He is a good character but he made a pact with Dispater, the lord of the second level of Hell, to give him the power to break his shackles and affect change. Unfortunately, he now owes Dispater 8 favors - so the question is will Mia'thos be able to walk the path of the righteous or will the lure of hellish powers and his tiefling heritage drag him into darkness?

E/Khart'ka: E is the newest player in our group, she started at the beginning of the last campaign. She started nervously, but has come to really embrace the game and is arguably the strongest roleplayer of the entire group despite being the least experienced. E also has a historical preference for science fiction over fantasy, mostly because she does not enjoy the black/white nature of Tolkien style high fantasies.

Khart'ka is a dragonborn cleric of Bahamut, god of Good dragons and the Tempest. E originally described the concept of Khart'ka as being "like a Klingon. A warrior-poet, but more awesome." Khart'ka hails from a matriarchal tribe in the Arak steppes, and she carries the dead ashes of their saint to give her strength. E likes approaching character creation organically, and we shall see how the character develops, but she has already established a hilarious blessing of "May Bahamut burn you" that garners strange looks and anger from strangers.

J/Dirk: J started playing some form of D&D in middle school, but didn't play terribly much in college. He has on occasion played with another group that he describes as somewhat more chaotic.  J is an avid reader and I think this helps him create characters in the sense that he tends to have the most fleshed out character concepts. On the other hand, J occasionally gets bored with his characters over time. He also accidentally has a reputation for being the guy who dies the most, because...uh, he dies the most.

Dirk is a dashing human rogue who has given up a life of piracy. The only Leyhaven local, Dirk returned to Leyhaven after being spurned by the only woman he ever truly loved. Good at heart but greedy at the surface, Dirk loves to tell tall tales. His desire to be free and wander the world comes from the simple life that his parents lead running a wand shop, Wanderland, in Leyhaven.

K/Cinder: K is the most experienced of my players, having played from a young age and throughout his entire life. K isn't a true min/maxer, but his familiarity with the rules certainly lends itself to building some of the most powerful characters. K doesn't general build 'group leader' characters, but often falls into that role or of relatively highly regarded opinion because of his experience.

Cinderbite is a "wood" elf ranger from the Wolom Ravine. Cinderbite is from a tribe of wandering scavengers that has a pragmatic view of the world. Tribes in the Wolom Ravine use undead for labor, but undead used for harm or evil are viewed as pure anathema to those such as Cinderbite. She left her home to travel the world.

V/Roderan: V has most of his experience playing from college with 4th edition, and I actually can't remember if that was his first experience or not. We like to tease V for playing characters that are just V with swords or spells, but he has actually become much better recently at playing out his character. Interestingly, V chose to randomly roll for his ideals, backgrounds, traits, and flaws in this campaign as per the 5e rulebook.

Roderan is a dwarven cleric of Ula, goddess of the hills. Roderan is a life cleric, devoted to saving others. He is a pilgrim of sorts, spreading the good word of Ula and helping those in need. His most notable quirk so far is his penchant for citing scriptures to advise action. Whether those scriptures are accurately remembered or not is a different matter.

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